Friday, March 5, 2010

Two months? Really?

Holy wow, its been a while, and I'm pretty sure that my sister is angry with my lack of posts.
I've been going through a lot of personal, lets not share with the entire world wide web kind of stuff, so its been hard to come up with those little things that go well in a blog.
I've been dreaming lately of a really nice vacation somewhere sunny and pampering and beautiful and interesting. But, bnot until atleast next year. Other priorities that need to be addressed first. But, they're nice dreams.
Work has been mellow lately. Yeah, I still hear some lovely words from some residents, but that's just par for the course. I've also learned to just nod my head and deal with my boss, and to just let go of the frustrations over the way the place is run. It makes for a slightly less stressfull work environment. Ok, I'm lying, I do not get a long at all with one of our new employees, but fortunately the way our schedules are, I actually work with her less than anybody else on my shift. It's just weird not getting along with someone, I get along with everyone. I'm an easy going kind of gal.
The kids are doing great. Joey is gearing up for lots of band stuff this spring. The state band festival is soon, and that is their big thing for the year. He's all set for his classes for freshman year, he even got in the honors science that combines bio and chem into one year, so it frees up a credit for sophmore year. You need a teacher reccomendation for that, and he didn't think he'd get it. So we're excited about that. He also got into the one and only AP class they offer freshman year. Geography, teacher reccomendation also required.
Mackenzie also just signed up for her 6th grade classes. She was passed on to the middle school GATE classes, and is ging to try dance, steel drum band, foreign language, and pre engineering for her electives. She's on the math team for her school, and the district competition is coming up in April. She actually voluntarily gave up all of her other after school activities to focus on this.
Joel. Well, Joel has always been my challenge. On one hand, he seems the one child that learns a thing the first time he's told/taught, and hardly ever has to be reminded about things. On the other hand, he's a little too ingenious with how to get around the rules. He's been having some regression issues here and there, so its a battle sometimes, but he sure makes life interesting. He absolutely idolizes Joey. He's got lots of new friends in the neighborhood, so he doesn't feel left out anymore when his brother and sister are out playing with their friends. Sorry, Joey doesn't "play". he "hangs out" with his friends.
Wes is waiting to hear about his worker's comp on two levels. He's decided to go for the surgery, we're just waiting for approval from worker's comp. And were waiting to see how much if any compensation he's entitled to since he's been out of work. At the very least, he'll be reimbursed for travel expenses for all the doctor's visits and what not. Right now its a waiting game.
Oh, and Sassy has been attending dog training at PetSmart. She's doing pretty well, but still has hyperactive issues, and attention issues. Yes, I think our dog is ADHD.
Pictures soon, I promise, just need to get them onto the computer first.

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