Sunday, September 20, 2009

Pictures from WA

Wes was a littlecamera happy, so I'm paring it down just a bit.
First, here I am with my new dark brown hair (and Wes too)

Some wedding photos:

The boys in their tuxes

Check out Mackenzie's hair!

Brittany with all the "little" girls

Javier with the "little" boys

Saying their vows

The newly weds

And now some of the sights:

Pike Place Market

Russell enjoying his chili dog

Wes & Russell at the zoo entrance

The boys with their cousins

It was a great trip! Wish we could have stayed a little longer, lots of faces I didn't get to see! Oh well, next time.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I actually accomplished things on my list! No really, I did! It was my Seattle wish list and not my chore list, but check marks are check marks, right? That and even a couple of extras. I feel very fulfilled!

Jack in the Box...check
Favorite coffee stand and seeing Emily the best barista in the world...check
Pike Place and the piers...check
See's candy...check
Papa Murphy's...check

On top of that I got to see lots of family, get my hair done by Debbie (I'm a brunette now), mani, pedi, and face waxed at my favorite nail salon, a couple of visits to the casino, an Orange Julius, and we did have one day sunny enough to get a good view of Mt. Ranier. All in all a great trip! Pictures coming soon!