Thursday, November 20, 2008

Oh yeah, I have kids!

It occured to me that I haven't mentioned what the kids are up to in a while. Well, they are doing what they do.
Joey made A/B honor roll. His arm is in a cast now, and hopefully that will come off the first week of December. That first week in a just asplint was rough because the ER had wrapped the ace bandage all the way to the tips of his fingers, so his whole right arm was pretty useless. But, the cast leaves him able to use his fingers and the top half of his hand, so he's able to do his own homework now. (I swear I didn't really do his homework for him, but I did write for him when it was necessary)Other than that, he's just been doing his thing. Hanging out with his friends and what not. One thing we around here found amusing the other day, Joey managed to pull off a one liner! The thing about Joey - he can't tell a joke. He tends to explain to people why its funny. Or he'll repeat it so many times it loses any humor very fast. But the other day he pulled off a great one liner, and I was so proud! I know, maybe my priorities are off, but it was a great moment.
Mackenzie also made the honor roll. She was a bit dissapointed though because she had one B and missed the A by one percentage point. And it was in reading, usually her best subject. She's also been singing in the school chorus. They had a concert at a local grocery store on Tuesday and they sounded great. All girls of course. She's also been participating in an after4 school program for those kids that make honor roll. They have kickball and cheer leading. This semester she went with cheerleading, but she says next time she wants to do kickball.
Joel is Joel as always. His latest obsession in Pokemon, he's been watching are 3 Pokemon videos endlessly, but I guess its better than Barney. He says he wants Transformers for Christmas. That and every video game ever made. He gives me a list everyday. Some of them I'm pretty sure don't exist.
They will be spending Thanksgiving with their dad this year. They're pretty excited, as they're grandma and grandpa Kindig will be joining them.
That's about it. That is if we can put off anymore trips to the emergency room for a while. Then again, we usually keep those down to 3 or 4 a year, so I should be good for another month or so.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

All I want for Christmas

This is going to sound weird, but all I want for Christmas is scrubs. You know, the cute shirts that nurses wear. That is actually the suggested outfit of choice for where I work. I don't need the pants, I prefer to wear jeans. Holds me in better, lol. And so everyone knows the first few days actually in my building with the consumers, staying up all night have gone fairly well. I think I've found my niche. I like it. Yeah ok, most of them sleep all night, but I am there if they wake up (which some of them do fairly regularly) and I am there to get them ready for the day in the morning. I have had some "fun" moments. I got cursed out for being an uppity white woman. I should mention there are only 2 white consumers in the building I work in, and I am the only white staff person besides the nurse in my building. My co workers were a bit worried about how I'd react to being cursed out and called out for being the white woman. I just looked the other way while I cracked a smile. I mean, I am white after all, can't change that. One of them even took the time to make sure I didn't take it personally. I told her that I'm not that sensitive, and like I said up there, I told her, I AM white. She laughed at me. I also almost got hit with a dry mop last night. That was fun, I got to right up my first aggressive behavior report. In the midst of all this, my supervisor was on the phone off and on all night because her grandbaby was about ot be born. Never a dull moment. The one down side is that I have to iron. I hate to iron. Fortunately, they rotate "chores" so I'll only have to do it every few days or so. Speaking of work, I'm running late for it now.
I almost forgot, I've informed the kids that outbursts and whining of any kind will no longer be tolerated. Unless of course they are also diagnosed with schizo affective disorder or ptsd. Then we'll see. No, it didn't work. They are still kids after all.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Do NOT adjust your screen!

It's a little fuzzy, but the number on the right is the price I paid this weekend for regular gasoline. That's right, less than $2. Ok, like one tenth of a cent less, but still less! Unfortunately for me, this was up in Columbia, and those prices haven't quite reached my area yet, but they are steadily going in that direction. I thought I'd never see the day. The day I got this excited about low gas prices that is.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

There seems no appropriate title for this. Aunt Dorothy passed away Thursday afternoon. My mom says she went peacefully, and that is a blessing. Thanks to everyone for your prayers and thoughts.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


So, crazy days around here. I started my new job this week. Yay for work that you get paid for!! I'm in training, or as they call it, "orientation" this week from 8:30-5, Monday I start working 3rd shift. So, Joey decided Sunday night would be the most opportune moment to break his arm. Last week, no problem to take the time during the day to get to an orthopdist, next week, still no problem, I'll be working nights, so still home during the day. But no, he had to break it THIS week. This has produced a new set of headaches. Being the procrastinator that I am, I haven't changed the kids' insurance region, that and the lady at admitting was being difficult about our not having proof of insurance, despite my being able to provide her with all the pertinent information. So, we were referred to a local orthopedist, but it turns out they are not tricare approved, so I'm back at square on with that. Now I have to track down an approved doctor to put a stinking hard cast on my son's arm (he's in a temporary fiberglass cast for now). He's being a trooper and his teacher's are being very supportive (he of course broke his writing arm).
Today was election day, and I sincerely hope everybody voted. I did. After standing in line for FOUR hours. No really, FOUR hours! In a way I was proud of myself, and of the turnout. In another it seemed a bit futile. I voted (at least for president) democrat in a VERY republican state. But, I figure what the heck. You never know. Then I got home, less than 20 minutes after I cast my ballot to find out they've already declared the state as a win for John McCain. How is that possible? The amount of time I stood in line was average for the state, so I just don't see how its possible. I really hate the electoral college. But, that is enough about politics. All polls are closed, so its over for the year. Now we just have to live with the results. Did I mention FOUR hours???!!!!
On a last note, I want to impose on those that don't already know my Aunt Dorothy. Please send your good thoughts and prayers her way. She has been battling cancer for years and it seems she is soon to lose the battle. At this point I think the best to wish for is a peaceful end for Aunt Dorothy and of course her family and friends. Aunt Dorothy is the mother of 7, grandmother of 8, and great grandmother of 3. She has always had a very strong faith in her church (LDS) and is one of the kindest people I will ever have the privelage of knowing. I'm sorry I can't be there with her at this time, but I love her and miss her.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween a palooza

Another Halloween for the books. This is Joey's next to last year trick or treating. He had a friend over and got to venture off on his own this year. Wes had to work, so we had Russell and Brianna over to help out. Russell handed out candy while I took Mackenzie & Joel around, Brianna tagged along. Joel ran through the whole neighborhood from house to house. And after each house he shoouted, "look mommy, I got candy!" Joey carved his own pumpkin this year and did a great job. Hi is the one with the skull and spider web. Mackenzie stenciled out hers, but left it to me to carve, hers is the cat. Joel picked out the design he wanted and Wes did the honors. All in all they turned out pretty good. Enjoy the pics!

Enjoying hot chocolate after the chilly night!