Monday, December 29, 2008

One more thing

Wes and I being completely kid free and tired of eating left overs decided to treat ourselves to dinner out last night. There is a tiny Mexican restaurant near us that he's had lunch at a couple times. They (according to him) have an outstanding lunch buffet. Now, I'm a little picky about Mexican food. I'm a bit spoiled there thanks to my extended family from south of the border. I don't do Tex Mex, and I will pick apart most mexican restaurants for how unauthentic they are. There by spoiling the experience for myself and anyone with me. But, we took the chance and went to El Rosarito. I felt very at home. The servers spoke with the familar accent and even told us what it was we'd like best. The only thing missing was telling me I needed to eat more. The carne asada was perfect and I already know what I'll get the next time. Its not quite the home cooked tacos and enchiladas I'm used to, but its pretty close. It even came with screaming in Spanish in the kitchen. Come visit me and I'll take you. I'm just sorry we didn't think about it when mom and dad were here.


Maybe its the Holidays, I don't know, but little memories have been coming back to me lately. So I thought I'd share one every now and then. Mostly I look at it as good blog material. So today I'm going with one of mine and Tarrah's favorite things from back when...
Tin Roof Sundae Ice Cream.

We must have gone through a ton of this stuff over the years. Man I miss that young metabolism!
We would eat right out of the carton, usually in front of a great classic movie like Dirty Dancing, Top Gun, or Footloose.

Christmas and other stuff

So first off, for Christmas, Santa (ok, me) ordered cable and internet for the house. This all got installed Saturday. After a couple glitches, we are all up and running. Oh wait, I still have to exchange the DVR, ours is defective, but they will exchange it, I just have to take it to the local office. But, the internet is up and running and the idea of getting online no longer makes my head hurt or back ache. What? You mean I don't have to sit the lap top on the back of the couch anymore? Crazy!
So, Christmas. My mom and dad drove up from Florida after spending a week cruising the Bahamas. They got in early evening the Saturday before Christmas. We met for dinner and gave the tour of the house before my parents fled to their hotel room and I had to go off to work. While I was trying to sleep off work Sunday afternoon, Wes took my parents and the kids to downtown Charleston to see the Battery and the old Slave Market. I had Monday and Tuesday off. Monday my mom and I went shopping mostly for Christmas Eve Dinner supplies. Then I napped (I hadn't slept since working all night) while my mom genourously made dinner for all 9 of us, as she did every night she was here. Tuesday my dad and I took the kids (minus Russell who wasn't feeling well) to the aquarium while my mom stayed behind to get a jump on Christmas eve dinner.
Christmas eve my mom commandeered a feast for 13. We had Wes' mom and sister and brother in law and their daughter for dinner and gift exchange. There was more than enough food, and thanks to thinking of letting the kids eat first, we managed to sit everyone at the table in shifts.
I worked Christmas eve and got home about 7:30 Christmas morning. The kids started getting up not long after I got home, but we had to wait for mom and dad to arrive and for Wes to drag himself out of bed. The kids stayed up until 2 am, making it hard for Santa to arrive and for Wes to go to bed at a decent hour.
The biggest hits this year were the Twilight poster for Mackenzie, the Mario pajamas for Joel, Russell got an Xbox 360 from his mom, and a Dora blanket for Briana. Oh yes, and Guitar Hero World tour for Joey.
On opening the poster, Mackenzie after seeing what it was, dropped the poster, fell to the floor, and started to make crying noises. I was a bit put off. So my mom asked here what was wrong. She said, I'm just so happy, I love it so much! If I'd have known that, I could have spent a lot less money on Christmas!
Mom and dad had to head out right after present opening to drive down to Orlando and catch their flight home. It was only a little late. I think they were trekking throught the snow from tho top of their driveway by midnight. Teri & Ernie picked them up form the airport, but didn't dare drive into their LONG drive way, so everyone walked from the top of the drive to the house in about 2 feet of snow. I should also mention that my mom had no jacket and was wearing sandals.
I have pictures, but in the interest of saving time, I'm going to just say, check them out on my facebook. If you aren't on my facebook, then its time you were!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Sorry about the weather...

Really I am. Is it my fault that some weird front has been holding off all those storm systems the rest of US has had to deal with the last couple days? And can I further help it that the same system has the temp holding at about 80* here? Nope, not my fault.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Rachel's idea...should get me of the hook for a few days at least!

So, I got this from Rachel's blog. Since I've been absent for a while, I thought I'd copy cat as well. So, things I've done will be in italics
1. Started your own blog Pretty sure that's what this is
2. Slept under the stars All the time at camp, and wihtout the aid of a tent
3. Played in a band Highschool band counts, right?
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower Again, camp. The San Juans are a great place to watch these....if its clear out.
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis It was on my tire in Clarksville, I wasn't gonna run over it, so I had to move it.
10. Sang a solo Well, not sang, but I fugured palying one in band was close enough
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty - close once, been to the base, but they'd already sold the allowed number of tickets that day.
18. Grown your own vegetables I'm counting the bean plant we had at the preschool I worked at.
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill - sick of work is sick, right?(I agree with Rachel on this one)
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run - But I stole home once. That was pretty cool.
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors Incidentally, we were stationed in Germany in the region where some of my family is from.
35. Seen an Amish community Thanks to in laws from Amish country
36. Taught yourself a new language I'm counting Turkish and German since I didn't take formal lessons. Yes, I'm not fluent, but I learned enough to get around.
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelos David
41. Sung karaoke Very badly
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa - I'm counting this since I was in African waters for about 20 minutes once.
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted I'm counting this because my cousin did transpose photos into a painting for my mom.
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud I'm from Washington, is there anything but?
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie Does my car being in a movie count? We were paid for it.
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business I'm counting Avon and Stampin' Up darn it!
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason Just this week Wes brought me a rose
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy It's hard to a call Buppy a a toy, but close enough
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt Not a traditional quilt, but Tarrah and I once pieced together cut up pices of jeans and made a quilt. I wonder what happened to that?
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone - But my kids have
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle - excuse my language, but HELL NO!
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper A german newspaper, but still
85. Read the entire Bible A constant work in progress. I think that if you take the different bible studies I've done, I've come close, but never cover to cover.
86. Visited the White House You can't get inside anymore, but I've been at the gate
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating Do fish count?
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous Waylon Jennings, Cuba Gooding Jr, Keifer Sutherland, President Clinton
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby Only a couple
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a law suit Does my divorce count?
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
100. Read an entire book in one day
So, I'd love to see YOUR answers, email them to me if you don't have a blog!

Work really sucks it out of you

I've noticed its been a while. Time flies when you sleep all day. In my defense, I work all night. I had a pretty good schedule going at first. I was up and alert by the time everyone was home from work/school. That gave me time to get things done around the house, cook dinner and spend some quality time with the kids and Wes before heaing off to work again. Not so much this past week or so. I've just been exhausted. I get up to make dinner, trudge through that and fall asleep on the couch again until the kids go to bed. Pathetic I know.
I've been working a brutal schedule though. 4 days on, 1 day off for the past 2 weeks and I think its caught up to me. My schedule revolves on a 28 day calendar. The first 2 weeks are pretty well spaced, but the last 2 are rough. So, I'm hoping as the new period starts this week, I'll adjust better to the last 2 weeks this month.
Nothing too alarming is going on. Joey graduated from a cast to a brace last week. He's in that for about another month. But, he can take it off when he's just sitting around (not often, as outside is still the place to be around here) and most important, he can take it off to shower. And while he showers, I can spray the brace with Febreeze. Man those things stink up fast!
Mackenzie has her first chorus concert tomorrow. She's looking forward to it, but she isn't sure she wants to continue after this. Her chorus teacher seems to think that chorus is life and that a bunch of 8-10 year olds should want nothing more than to practice twice a week, in spite of everything else. She may give it a go as a class option once she's in middle school thought.
Joey's first band concert is also coming up soon. Oddly, they chose to wait until after Christmas to do that. My highschool band teacher would have loved that. He hated the need for Christmas concerts, almost as much as pep band.
Wes is almost done with his probabtion period at work. He's looking forward to a possible raise and benefits kicking in by the end of the month. He's also given notice at his 2nd job. With Christmas shopping almost done, he figures the tiny amount he gets from there can be given up. I quite agree.
We will have a full house for Christmas. Russell and Briana will be with us the first part of their school break, going back to their mom's Christmas afternoon. My kids will be with us until then as well, going to Mike's at the same time. My parents are leaving on a cruise tonight, and when they return, they're driving up here from Florida to spend Christmas with us. With the big crowd we're already having, we're going to host Christmas Eve dinner here for Wes' family. I think I may have gone a little insane with that thought. But, with tv trays and folding chairs borowed from here and there, it should work out alright.
One more announcement for those that aren't related to me and don't beautiful niece Brittany is getting married! Since this is no small event, The kids and I and perhaps even Wes will be trekking back across the country this summer for the wedding. I'm not sure which was scarier, wedding invites from the kids I used to babysit, or this. Man I'm getting old!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Oh yeah, I have kids!

It occured to me that I haven't mentioned what the kids are up to in a while. Well, they are doing what they do.
Joey made A/B honor roll. His arm is in a cast now, and hopefully that will come off the first week of December. That first week in a just asplint was rough because the ER had wrapped the ace bandage all the way to the tips of his fingers, so his whole right arm was pretty useless. But, the cast leaves him able to use his fingers and the top half of his hand, so he's able to do his own homework now. (I swear I didn't really do his homework for him, but I did write for him when it was necessary)Other than that, he's just been doing his thing. Hanging out with his friends and what not. One thing we around here found amusing the other day, Joey managed to pull off a one liner! The thing about Joey - he can't tell a joke. He tends to explain to people why its funny. Or he'll repeat it so many times it loses any humor very fast. But the other day he pulled off a great one liner, and I was so proud! I know, maybe my priorities are off, but it was a great moment.
Mackenzie also made the honor roll. She was a bit dissapointed though because she had one B and missed the A by one percentage point. And it was in reading, usually her best subject. She's also been singing in the school chorus. They had a concert at a local grocery store on Tuesday and they sounded great. All girls of course. She's also been participating in an after4 school program for those kids that make honor roll. They have kickball and cheer leading. This semester she went with cheerleading, but she says next time she wants to do kickball.
Joel is Joel as always. His latest obsession in Pokemon, he's been watching are 3 Pokemon videos endlessly, but I guess its better than Barney. He says he wants Transformers for Christmas. That and every video game ever made. He gives me a list everyday. Some of them I'm pretty sure don't exist.
They will be spending Thanksgiving with their dad this year. They're pretty excited, as they're grandma and grandpa Kindig will be joining them.
That's about it. That is if we can put off anymore trips to the emergency room for a while. Then again, we usually keep those down to 3 or 4 a year, so I should be good for another month or so.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

All I want for Christmas

This is going to sound weird, but all I want for Christmas is scrubs. You know, the cute shirts that nurses wear. That is actually the suggested outfit of choice for where I work. I don't need the pants, I prefer to wear jeans. Holds me in better, lol. And so everyone knows the first few days actually in my building with the consumers, staying up all night have gone fairly well. I think I've found my niche. I like it. Yeah ok, most of them sleep all night, but I am there if they wake up (which some of them do fairly regularly) and I am there to get them ready for the day in the morning. I have had some "fun" moments. I got cursed out for being an uppity white woman. I should mention there are only 2 white consumers in the building I work in, and I am the only white staff person besides the nurse in my building. My co workers were a bit worried about how I'd react to being cursed out and called out for being the white woman. I just looked the other way while I cracked a smile. I mean, I am white after all, can't change that. One of them even took the time to make sure I didn't take it personally. I told her that I'm not that sensitive, and like I said up there, I told her, I AM white. She laughed at me. I also almost got hit with a dry mop last night. That was fun, I got to right up my first aggressive behavior report. In the midst of all this, my supervisor was on the phone off and on all night because her grandbaby was about ot be born. Never a dull moment. The one down side is that I have to iron. I hate to iron. Fortunately, they rotate "chores" so I'll only have to do it every few days or so. Speaking of work, I'm running late for it now.
I almost forgot, I've informed the kids that outbursts and whining of any kind will no longer be tolerated. Unless of course they are also diagnosed with schizo affective disorder or ptsd. Then we'll see. No, it didn't work. They are still kids after all.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Do NOT adjust your screen!

It's a little fuzzy, but the number on the right is the price I paid this weekend for regular gasoline. That's right, less than $2. Ok, like one tenth of a cent less, but still less! Unfortunately for me, this was up in Columbia, and those prices haven't quite reached my area yet, but they are steadily going in that direction. I thought I'd never see the day. The day I got this excited about low gas prices that is.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

There seems no appropriate title for this. Aunt Dorothy passed away Thursday afternoon. My mom says she went peacefully, and that is a blessing. Thanks to everyone for your prayers and thoughts.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


So, crazy days around here. I started my new job this week. Yay for work that you get paid for!! I'm in training, or as they call it, "orientation" this week from 8:30-5, Monday I start working 3rd shift. So, Joey decided Sunday night would be the most opportune moment to break his arm. Last week, no problem to take the time during the day to get to an orthopdist, next week, still no problem, I'll be working nights, so still home during the day. But no, he had to break it THIS week. This has produced a new set of headaches. Being the procrastinator that I am, I haven't changed the kids' insurance region, that and the lady at admitting was being difficult about our not having proof of insurance, despite my being able to provide her with all the pertinent information. So, we were referred to a local orthopedist, but it turns out they are not tricare approved, so I'm back at square on with that. Now I have to track down an approved doctor to put a stinking hard cast on my son's arm (he's in a temporary fiberglass cast for now). He's being a trooper and his teacher's are being very supportive (he of course broke his writing arm).
Today was election day, and I sincerely hope everybody voted. I did. After standing in line for FOUR hours. No really, FOUR hours! In a way I was proud of myself, and of the turnout. In another it seemed a bit futile. I voted (at least for president) democrat in a VERY republican state. But, I figure what the heck. You never know. Then I got home, less than 20 minutes after I cast my ballot to find out they've already declared the state as a win for John McCain. How is that possible? The amount of time I stood in line was average for the state, so I just don't see how its possible. I really hate the electoral college. But, that is enough about politics. All polls are closed, so its over for the year. Now we just have to live with the results. Did I mention FOUR hours???!!!!
On a last note, I want to impose on those that don't already know my Aunt Dorothy. Please send your good thoughts and prayers her way. She has been battling cancer for years and it seems she is soon to lose the battle. At this point I think the best to wish for is a peaceful end for Aunt Dorothy and of course her family and friends. Aunt Dorothy is the mother of 7, grandmother of 8, and great grandmother of 3. She has always had a very strong faith in her church (LDS) and is one of the kindest people I will ever have the privelage of knowing. I'm sorry I can't be there with her at this time, but I love her and miss her.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween a palooza

Another Halloween for the books. This is Joey's next to last year trick or treating. He had a friend over and got to venture off on his own this year. Wes had to work, so we had Russell and Brianna over to help out. Russell handed out candy while I took Mackenzie & Joel around, Brianna tagged along. Joel ran through the whole neighborhood from house to house. And after each house he shoouted, "look mommy, I got candy!" Joey carved his own pumpkin this year and did a great job. Hi is the one with the skull and spider web. Mackenzie stenciled out hers, but left it to me to carve, hers is the cat. Joel picked out the design he wanted and Wes did the honors. All in all they turned out pretty good. Enjoy the pics!

Enjoying hot chocolate after the chilly night!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Good for prosperity, or just plain mean?

I'm gonna go with pretty funny actually. It may be mean, but c'mon its pretty funny too. I guess boys will be boys....

And I swear, he grabbed the newspaper himself. I just went to check on him because he'd been in there so long, well no wonder since he's found a good "thinking spot"!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Say hello to my little friend...

I know they're dark, but I wasn't about to open the sliding door, and using the flash scared him off. This is our "pet" raccoon. If Gillian leaves any leftover food this little scoundrel comes up and helps him (or her) self to it. I'm taking suggestions for names. All pets need a name right?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I miss fall

I waswatching the local weather report last night, well listening and playing solitare on my phone multi-taksing and overheard a suggestion to get out the exrtra blanket. What? You mean its going to turn cold just like that? Overnight and we'll get highs in the 50's?
So I turned my full attention to the tv and saw the weekly outlook. Lows at night in the high 40's/low 50's, highs during the day in the mid to upper 70's. With a couple of days in the low 70's. I thought that was summer! Southerners are wimps!

Monday, October 13, 2008

More fun from the south

Those are peanuts, and the are being BOILED. Seriously, they do that all the time here. Sometimes there's even a little hut like a coffee stand that sells the things. You can't find roasted peanuts here, its boiled or raw. So, fruit stands sell fresh, raw peanuts, then ou boil them in some really salty water. The taste the same as roasted, but they're squishy. I don't really care for them, but the kids love them. Guess I'm too much of Yankee on that one.

On another note, I added a new link over there >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I've been keeping up with it through Rachel. As a matter of fact Rachel sent me the original story that sparked this woman's blog. For those of you that missed the whole Mom sells Pokemon cards snuck into the grocery cart on ebay go here to read the original story that sparked the interest in her blog. Its a bit long, but worth it. And just remember, this was at one time a "description of item" on ebay. For real, she ended up selling the pokemon cards for $154 or something like that.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Off With Their Hair!

This weekend was all about hair cuts. Russell arrived Friday evening and announced he needed a hair cut. He just gets a buzz so this is a service Wes usually supplies about once a month. So on Saturday, Russell got buzzed in the garage. Joel saw what was going on and decided he wanted a hair cut just like Russell's. I let him sit on it for a few minutes, make sure he was determined. Well he was, so we said goodbye to his hair.

Doesn't he look excited?
About half way through the buzzing, he decided he was done and wanted to get down.

Don't worry, the red marks aren't blood, he got into the markers...again.
So, we gave him a break. He looked horrible, but he said he was tired and wanted to rest, so he went up and took a nap. After dinner he grudgingly agreed to let us finish cutting his hair. He still wasn't happy about it, but it had to be finished.

I hate it, but it'll grow back. Hopefully he has it out of his system.

Since Joel went for a buzz, I decided the other two and myself could probably use a trim as well, so this afternoon we headed to Great Clips. Nothing too drastic there, just some healthy trimming. Although I do feel sorry for the lady that got Joey because I know what a pain his hair is.

I know, huge difference, right? But atleast I actually took pictures!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I heart the US Post Office

The Post Office delivered a letter to me today. Here's a hint: By this time next month I'll have cable and maybe even my own internet connection!
Why? Because I'll be getting a paycheck!!
I got my confirmation letter from the Department of Disabilities today. It'll be third shift (which kind of sucks) and a rotating schedule (which also kind of sucks) but in the ling run, there is job security. The benefits are good and the pay is decent and I can apply for other positions as they become available. That and this is the kind of thing that I was studying for. Maybe it'll give me the push to get back into school and finish my degree. Who knows, stranger things have happened. For now I'm just glad to know I'll sonn be getting a pay check.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The ? of Y

I haven't had this computer very long. It was a splurge I allowed with last year's tax refund. So just a few months really, but already, my Y is giving me headaches. If i forget to pound on it every time I use it, the Y just doesn't compute. If you've chatted with me online recently, or gotten an email, or even read one of my blogs I forgot to proof before posting one might think I have very poor spelling skills. But really, spelling was the one subject I actually excelled in. As a matter of fact, I think it should be a college course. Mostly because I think with some people it didn't stick during elementary school, and of those some, there are those that forget that spell check does exist. Anyway, my point is that Pat I'd like to buy a sometimes vowel. I realize in the land of Wheel of Fortune you treat Y as a consonant, but in this case, I really need a new Y.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Busy busy busy

This has been a busy few days. I woke up Saturday, before noon I might add determined to clean my house. REALLY clean it. Since I'd attacked the living room earlier in the week, it was onto the dining room. I cleaned the table, legs and all, and the little decorative dirt catcher/groove around the top. I scrubbed the chair seats, shined my spoon collection (yay vinegar again! - awesome stuff), then I dusted everything, put candles in my candle holders, re organized the shelves, and totally cleaned the floor. Since it wasn't even dinner time yet, I moved on to the kitchen and did the same in there. The stove top was rough, but again, yeah vinegar! The kids tackled the breakfast/sun room, which we use as the train/pet room. We solved our crowding problem by leaving only one type of train set out, putting the rest away to be switched out later on. Much less clutter. The dog crate now has a nice view of the back porch and guinea pigs' things aren't strewn all about the floor. I had intended to tackle the master bedroom on Sunday, but after a trip to WalMart, I wasn't up for it.
On Friday I added a new member to our family:

This Sponge Bob Fish (named by Joel). We decided to go with a Betta this time, the tend to last longer than you 20 cent gold fish. And they're prettier.
Also on Friday I had a follow up interview with a company that is considering employing me. And another interview Monday with the SC Department of Disabilities. Both went well, and I'm just waiting on the final call withing the next couple of weeks. I am torn, but that is for another blog.
Also on Monday was the start of the local fire prevention week. Close to all of the area Fire and Rescue departments (including the Navy and Air Force and Coast Guard bases) get all the toys and trucks out and parade sirens, lights and all down the main drag of town, ending up at the Lowes where the all park so everyone can go check it all out. Its pretty cool.
We first took the kids to Wes' mom's house. Her house is parallel to the main drag, only seperated by an iron rail fence. We were able to stand on the fence and wave at the trucks going by. Then we went to Lowes and got a closer look. Afterwards we treated ourselves to dinner out at Ryan's. For those of you unfamiliar with the south its a Golden Coral-ish place, all you can eat buffet and steak house.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

When it rains....well, you know

So I've been sending out resumes, filling out applications and other useful job hunting activities since before I moved here. That would be July.
The most I'd scored so far was testing and an interview with a temp angency. So today, I'm going about my usual day. Took a nap after the older kids got off to school, and until Joel woke up. Got him his breakfast, popped in a video. Yes, I could do more with my time, but in the morning I just know it isn't going to happen, so why bother? After my video, Joel popped in one of his and I was contemplating getting lunch ready for Joel & Wes when my phone rang.
I've got an interview on Monday. Get off the phone and started heading for the bathroom to put my hair up, and the phone rang.
The temp angency is setting my up with an interview.
Got lunch made, sent Wes back to work, got the laundry started when....the phone rang. I did a phone interview and then got another face to face set up for tomorrow.
What the heck people????

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

R.I.P. Cute Red Shoes

These were my red shoes. I LOVED these red shoes. They went really well with my striped jeans. I've never been one to have red shoes, but I saw these at Target and had to have them.
My cute red shoes have died. I mourn them greatly. They are survived by the striped jeans they went with so well, and a pair of feet that will miss them very much.
The details of their death are a bit disturbing, so if you have a weak stomach, you may not want to read on. Mike and Sierra are friends of Wes'. He has known them since middle school. They have 3 kids each the same age as my 3. They are very nice people that didn't used to have a dog. They also have a very nice house with wood floors that I didn't want to scuff up with my cute red shoes. So, being a thoughtful guest, I left them by the door when I went in. Looking back I can say there was a lack of other shoes by the door, but I figured they were put away in another place. This was a very neat house. One of those houses that makes you wonder what the kids do all day becuase there is little evidence of them. Not that its one of those cold museum like places. Just very neat and clutter free. Kind of how I wish my house could be.
Anyway, the dog murdered my cute red shoes. No one noticed until it was too late. They were gone.

********Just so everyone knows, they felt REALLY bad and even tried to slip me some cash for my cute red shoes. I wouldn't take it, but apparently they somehow snuck it into Wes' shirt pocket. And because I got them I Target, they are replaceble.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Weekend Hijinks

Here is a picture of my living room area rug:

As you can probably see, its in pretty rough shape. Its been in rough shape for some time now. When I say some time, I'm speaking in years. Its one of those things you don't really notice at first, then when you do notice, its a bit out of control. Then, if you are like me, the thought of attacking it is pretty daunting. If I had a steam cleaner, I may have gone after it, but since I don't, the idea of scrubbing at the thing had me considering dumping it and getting a new one. Aha! But I don't have the $$ for that, so I've just been ignoring it.
So Saturday night, Joey and I are on the rug playing a board game. One of the pieces had something sticky spilled on it, so I got a Lysol wipe to clean it off. Then on a whim I tried it on one of the spots on the rug. It came up pretty easily. Hmmm, maybe this thing won't be so hard to get presentable after all. So after I won the game, I hauled out my bucket and scrub brush, and with a little vinegar and water and elbow grease, and two days here is how it looked Sunday night:

If you can't see a difference, don't tell me, I don't want to know!

On a lighter note....a few weeks ago, the boys (Russell and Joey) thought it would be funny to mess with Joel while he was sleeping. So, they got out markers and drew on his face.

Because isn't it fun to prank a 4 year old??? So, I promised revenge.
I'd kind of forgotten about it. Then Wes and I were at Wal Mart Saturday afternoon, and what do they have on a front display? Silly String! I swear it was his idea, but man we had fun. Waiting until they went to sleep to hatch our revenge.

Russel woke up

Joey didn't

And we made them clean it up in the morning themselves. We're such great role models!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I am such a dwts geek!

So one of my favorite shows is back on. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Dancing with the Stars! And I already have a favorite. Who knew I'd be pulling for Brooke Burke? I tend to veer away from the models, but she is REALLY good. I should hate her on pricipal for having 4 kids and not looking like it. But, she gets points for her partner. David Hough is my "if I were a cougar" fantasy boyfriend. So you can see just how good they are, here they are from week 2.

Another Reason to just LOVE South Carolina

I knew about the fire ants, the roaches, the termites, the mosquitos, the lizards and other creepy crawlies. And while they are annoying, I can live with all those. I'm also aware that no matter where you go, there will be spiders. Just a fact of life. But no one told me about these:

Seriously, why didn't anyone tell me about these? They're called banana spiders because their bodies are long and yellow. According to my research, they don't bite and aren't the least bit poisonous, but that doesn't endear them to me at all! We went by Wes' mom's house the other night, and of course she had a nice juicy one in her front yard, right next to the walk way. This would have been a time that ignorance is bliss would definately have applied. I didn't see the thing going in, I didn't need it pointed out on the way out. I tried to retreat back into the house, then was reminded that my car was the other direction. It took me three attempts before I could dash past the thing, and even then I was starting to hyperventilate. So far we haven't seen any around our house yet, but then again, I'm not looking.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Information Overload

I hate and love election time.

I love it because the whole country gets in a buzz. People talk about important issues, and all of a sudden each issue is so easily fixed.

I hate it because the whole coutry gets in a buzz. People talk about important issues, and all of a sudden each issue is so easily fixed.

Every four years I get less and less likely to pay attention to what is going on. My brain just can't take it. Some people get so fired up about things, that even when I agree with them I feel like I'm being baggered. By the media, by the candidates, by people in general. It just gets overwhelming. Its hard to filter the information put out there, hard to decide what is a reliable source, who's telling the truth, who's lying. Then there's the sick feeling I get in my stomach over the mud slinging. It seems people think the only way they can get elected is to make grandiose promises, and then tell me all the reasons why their opponent is the worst human being on the planet. But they are clever, the put up a front of respect while still getting the jabs in. Sugar coated to the core.

The election 8 years ago was a doozy for it. To make matters worse, I was over seas and never got my absetee ballot. The whole process may make me crazy, but I still want to stand and be heard. Still pretty sure my write in vote didn't count. But this year I'm ready, I'm reregistered here in SC, no absetee ballot for me. I'm going to brave the polls, just to be sure. Now I just have to wade through all the muck and postering to find some core value that sits well with me. Sometimes I think we as voters have a harder job than those running for office. I just don't think there is such a thing as an impartial report anymore. Well, except for SNL. You can always count on them to just laugh at the whole thing. That settles it, I'm voting for Lorne Michaels and Tina Fey!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I heart Jon Stewart

Ok, maybe not heart, but when I come across a clip like this, I can't help it. I'm not trying to make a big political statement here, but when I saw this clip I was so completely amused, I had to post it. The idea that Sarah Palin should appeal to me (a female "swing" vote) just because she's a woman bothers me more than I can say. So of course this clip says it all for me:

Sunday, September 14, 2008

But I'm not tired!

So, what parent doesn't know this story?
Joel rarely takes naps anymore. He does get cranky during the day, but if he naps, he's up ALL night. So, I put up with crankiness most of the time in order to have a quieter evening.
But today was one of those days he really needed a nap. I tried to talk him into going up to bed by himself, but no, he wasn't tired. I decided not to fight him, it was only 4 more hours till bed time. I could make it. Dinner usually perks him up enough to make it through to bedtime. So, I left the room for a few minutes, came back and you can see up there what I found.
This is in the living room with the NASCAR race on the tv, and 4 other kids right there doing various nooise making activities. Nope, he wasn't tired one bit.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

I like to ride my bicycle

About a month before we moved, Teri bought Joey a new bicycle. He had taken to riding the bike trail to the office in the mornings and the one had was in bad shape, so Teri bought him a new one. Mackenzie had a cute little pink bike, but we left it behind, it really was too small for her. Joel only had toddler rides.

One of Joey's favorite things is biking around the neighborhood. It seems all the kids around her have bikes. Except for Mackenzie and Joel. They've both been begging me for new bikes. It just isn't in the budget right now, but I had promised as soon as I get a job and we get all caught up, we'd go to Wal Mart and get bikes.

Earlier this week a helmet arrived UPS for Joel, the next day a helmet for Mackenzie. The day after that, a bike showed up for Mackenzie, and finally yesterday, Joel's arrived. Could it be Santa Claus out of season? Nope, just a very generous Aunt Teri and Uncle Ernie.

Except for yesterday evening while TS Fran blew through (hardly more that a rain storm I might add)Mackenzie and Joel have been on those bikes! They are the best things ever as far as they are concerned. Mackenzie's is a magenta Hannah Montana bike, Joel's a blue and green Mongoose, decked out like a BMX complete with trick stands on the front wheels.

Now I want one!

Thank you Aunt Teri & Uncle Ernie for the great gifts!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Did I Mention?

~The second day of school, Joey was put in a whole new set of classes. It's a program called GATE, Summerville's version of accelerated/gifted/highly capable . He kept his electives (band and art) but switched to all new core (the 3 r's and what not) classes.
-------On one hand I'm glad, I think this will suit him better. On the other, I've heard differing opinions about the program, so I guess we'll wait and see. He seems to like it so far, and being in the GATE program he gets to take a pre engineering class and make a skateboard.
~I now live in a hurricane zone. It may not be the Carribbean or the Gulf Coast, but apparantly hurricanes don't discriminate over which side of Florida it hits.
~I'm about to experience my first hurricane. Hana is headed straight for us. I'm kind of going with the flow on this one. Letting Wes lead the way as far as panic and whether I should grab the kids and run for the hills or not. So far she's not supposed to go above cat. 1, so we'll probably tough it out here. But if she even hints at going beyond that, there will be some lucky relatives that should expect a visit from us.
~Teenage boys eat a lot of food.
~Some little kids and some side walk chalks makes for some great entertainment! Thanks to my neighbor across the street for providing the fun!
~South Carolna has some messed up regulations concerning motor vehicles and their licensing. Apparantly it is still expected to pay a fee for the privelage of owning a car in the state of SC. In other words, personal propert tax, which you must pay before you can register it. AND in order to get a Driver's Lisence, you have to surrender every form of ID known to man. But I didn't have to take a test. So, for the first time since I got my lisence at 16, I no longer carry a valid Washington Driver's Lisence. Kind of sad actually :((
~My sister and her kids (and some others) sent the kids a really super huge card to say how much they missed them. The kids loved it. Thank you Brittany for the 1,000 pounds of confetti enclosed with it. So you're watned they now want to return the favor (not my idea, I swear!)
~Adult boys eat a lot of food.
~I actually watched a good amount of the DNC. First time for everything. Now, can I sit through any of the RNC?
~I can live without cable (I know!) Well, we've hooked up some rabbit ears, so now that I know I won't miss Survivor (a family tradition) or Dancing with the Stars, I'll be fine and oxygen won't be required. I do miss the Discovery Channel though.
~We seem to have made a truce with the wireless signal we're pirating. It's been fairly long as we keep the laptop on the back of the couch, next to the window, but that's better than the garage.
~Animals eat a lot of food.
~And, still no one wants to hire a mother of three with a ton of experience in many arenas, but without a piece of paper that says I paid a fortune to learn things that have nothing to do with the job I'm doing (and that I hadn't learned on my own anyway) But I'm still hopeful! :))
**I almost forgot, Joey has a girlfriend. I'm trying not to panic.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

First Day of School

The time of year we dread as a child, but relish as a parent has come and gone. The first day of school! It started very early this year. Mackenzie catches the bus at 6:45, Joey at 7:25. It's about the same time for Joey, but 2 hours early for Mackenzie, but she faced it like a trouper!
Mackenzie is not a morning person (a trait she inherited from me)so I bought her a Disney Princess alarm clock thinking if she could press a snooze button, it might help. Just in case I went up at about 10 after 6 to make sure she was getting up. She set her alarm alright, but forgot to actually turn it on! Oh well, there's always tomorrow.
The school district was no help with bus stops. We just got a list of what time the bus would be in each development. They said to just look out where the other kids were going. Thanks. But, fortunately Mackenzie got the scoop from her new friends which happen to be our neighbors (and one of them is even in her class), so she was set. Joey on the other hand was not so lucky. We had to wait until we spotted someone else come out of their house and walk off. His bus stop isn't the same. But we managed, everyone got off to school and home just fine.
Mackenzie doesn't have much to report yet. These first couple days are just get to know you and the school days. But, she didn't have anything to complain about either. That's always good. Joey is adjusting to a longer school session, and 2 more classes than in Washington. They seperate the English class into seperate Writing and Reading classes. He likes all of his teachers so far, and for once has a good mix of male and female teachers. His school is trying out single gender classes this year, but he is not part of the test group, but if things go well, next year the whole school will be single gender classes for the core classes (math, reaing science, etc.) He got extra electives this year so on top of band (where he will pick up the French Horn again, his band teacher LOVED hearing that)he is also taking an art class this semester and a high school credit keyboarding class next semester. He said the lunch schedule was a bit confusing, but he has it down now. On top of that, every other day he switches his 1st and last period classes. (one day he goes to his Reading 1st, Social Studies last, next day Soc. Studies 1st, Reading last) I'm beginning to wonder if they can make things more complicated for 11-14 year olds.
Joel barely noticed they were gone until about 2, which was less than an hour before Mackenzie got home, lol. He is planning a race when the kids get home tomorrow. He wants a finish line with sand in it.
We were threatened with Hurricane Fran this week, but she turned into a Tropical storm and took a sharp left turn from Florida, so we only got a little bit of on and off rain. Darn it! There's always next year. Or next week. You never know around here.
I got bit pretty good by a fire ant while cutting the grass last weekend. It was pretty bad, Cortisone wasn't even really helping. It just barely started to heal. It was so bad Wes tried to tell me it must be a spider bite. Not funny. Fortunately I saw the bugger biting me, so he's lucky this time. Those are sleeping on the couch words!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Here's a story, of a lovely lady...

Ok, so we're one kids shy of the Brady Bunch, but when Wes' niece Lauren is with us, we are, and she even sets the boy/girl ratio to rights. But seriously, 5 kids is a lot! Did you know that? How the heck did those kids live with 3 to a room, all the time? So everybody knows the break down: Wes' kids, Russell and Brianna are 13 (almost 14) and 12. Mine are 12, 9, and 4. Then there is the size differences. Honestly ,if you lined these kids up on the staircase by height like the Brady Bunch, it would be a different order. Oh, and I don't have an Alice. I guess that makes me Alice, but I definately don't get paid. The amazing thing is, I'm actually keeping up on housework! Well, for me anyway. The dish washer gets ran everyday, the kitchen and dining room floors are swept and mopped everyday, and I actually keep on top of the laundry and the litter box. Oh yeah, and I've been cooking! My kids are a bit thrown by this event. It also seems a bit odd that I do most of the cooking, since Wes is a cook. Then again, I'm the one at home. I even baked a wheat free cake the other day. I had Joey get my camera out for me while I was icing it, so I could take a picture, but forgot all about it and just started cutting the thing up and serving it. Then I saw my camera on the table when I sat down to eat my piece. Ooops.
Beyond the Brady Bunch factor, I am assimilating to being back in the south. I'm still not used to the bugs, but I do love coming across the lizards. I like lizards, they eat bugs. The heat has been going down. Funny how your state of mind changes as necessary. In Washington 86 is a super hot day. Here, I said to myself, "Wow, its pretty cool today." I'm going next week to get my South Carolina plates and driver's license. I shop at Piggly Wiggly, though I refuse to buy, make, or eat grits. I guess that makes me a Yankee. i never considered myself one. I mean, when the civil war was going on, Washington wasn't a state. And my family tree existed in Virginia (a southern state) and Germany (another country). Oh well, not like I'm the only one around here. Thank you Air Force and Navy bases!
The kids start school this week. Mackenzie already has a circle of friends from the neighborhood. The greatest day of her life since being here was when, last Monday, three little girls rang our doorbell and asked if the little girl that lived here could come out and play. Joey I have no doubt will make friends once he gets to school, but boys his age are too cool to ring doorbells. But, he enjoys riding his bike around, and takes Gillian for a walk everyday.
Joel has a couple od little guys that he's played with outside a couple times when they're out with their older siblings, but at 4, it's not nearly as exciting.
Since we don't have cable and haven't caught a lot of the Olympics, we've been playing our own Olympics on the Wii with Mario & Sonic. My arms are getting quite buff.
Now if I could only get a job......

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Buzz Kill

I've been in a perpetual state of tense lately. Part stress, part worry, and part being plain old pissed off. So, I've found it hard to put up with the weak wireless signal that one of my neighbors provides me long enough to punch something out and post. That and I have nothing but gloom and doom to report. Mostly because I'm very negative right now. I'm also afraid that if I get going, I will "go off" and because I know within my good sense that would be a bad idea, I've been avoiding the opportunity to test my restraint. So, there you have it. Can I go and have a bucket of margaritas now?

Thursday, July 31, 2008

The New Digs

We had a bit of a time finding a place to fit us all that we could afford. We had a line on one and were in the qualifying process while traveling. Once we got here, we had to work out a couple of kinks, but 2 days later, we were moving in.
The kids got to spend a week in Washington after I left, then my mom flew them to Pennsylvania to spend some time with their other grand parents. They got to visit Dutch Wonderland and Hershey Park (or Chocolate world as Joel called it) while there. They then drove down to Columbia, SC where Mike is in school to visit him for a couple of days before driving them this way to me.
We've had Wes' kids with us since we moved in, and I think they were glad for the extra company. Everyone is getting along well, but man 5 kids are a lot! Leftovers are a thing of the past (yes, I've been cooking dinner!)
So, for to satisfy everyone's curiosity, here are some pics of the house. Please excuse the lack of pictures on the walls, unpacked boxes and evidence of children. We're still a work in progress here.

It looks small, but as you will see, looks can be deceiving.

The view from the front door. What? It has an upstairs???!!! Crazy!

Living Room

The door to the far right is to the master bath, the door at the right of the dining room is to the master bedroom.

Dining Room

Master Bedroom

The master bath. There is a partition door in the center that seperates the commode from the shower area so we have a "powder room" for guests.


The breakfast nook, which we use to hold all of Joel's trains, and the pets.

Kids' bath at the top of the stairs, the boys' room is to the right, girls' to the left

The boys' room (it was already blue)

The girl's room - with Joey, Mackenzie, Russel, & Joel horsing around

Joey, Brianna, & Russel

Mackenzie & Russell

Joel playing the Wii