Thursday, March 27, 2008

Movin' On Up (or Down)

We're moving. I could give the smart explanation and just say you can take the girl out of the army life but you can't take the army life out of the girl. I have been back here in Washington for almost 2 years, must be time to PCS (Permanent Change of Station). But, that isn't it at all.

There are several factors with this move. Ok, 2 main factors. 1. The kids will be closer to their dad. Hopefully. We had discussed his desire to settle back in Columbia and I expressed a willingness to move back to the general area in order for the kids to be near both their parents. This was all of course contigent on either his being reposted there, or waiting for his retirement from the army in 5 years. Then reason #2 happened.

I met someone and he happens to live in South Carolina. The Charleston area to be more specific. We met in a very random way and struck up a friendship that turned into more. We were at first fairly content with keeping things long distance considering where we both were in out lives. We were each still getting on our feet after big changes in our lives. We just tried to see each other every couple of months. We did talk about one of us moving (specifically, we talked about him moving) one day, but never put a date on it.

So here we are a little over a year later and both of us ready for the next step. Funny how plans change because now I'm moving out there. The idea is a bit scary, but the area is not completely unfamiliar and the kids will still get to be closer to their father (army willing).

The blessed event is set for this summer. I plan on heading across as soon as the kids are done with school. There are still details about where the kids will be spending their summer to be hammered out, but over all it is a done deal. Now I just gotta pack my stuff (again) and drive across the country (again). This time with 1 cat, 1 dog and 2 guinea pigs. Oh and a boyfriend driving a big moving truck. Life is good.