Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Welcome Back Top 5

1. First this week is a new discovery that has me totally mesmerized, so everyone check it out. Now credit where credit is due, I found this out through another blog, connected to another blog, connected to a friend's blog. So, I.M. Bitter, I thank you indirectly for the link. The Library of Congress has started an experiment uploading historical photos on Flikr (yahoo photo streamer), it even has some COLOR photos from the '30's & '40's that are amazing. You have to forgive some of the comments people leave, but definately worth checking out!
2.The hyper link. I have no photo, but I can continue to demonstrate it with some fun jumps for you to make across the web. Of course, I'm drawing a blank to my favorite websites right now, but I'll think of something.

3. Reese's Pieces - I go through stages with this particular candy, but right now I'm loving them. THey came in quite handy while I was hold up in the Atlanta airport and didn't feel like spending $5 on a little sugar fix.

4. My MP3 player. Yet another thing that saved me from going insane during 2 seperate 4+ hour layovers in Atlanta.

5. Finally, this week I'm going to round it all out with what I'm going to call nostalgia. Those moments that catch you feeling like a teenager again. I have 3 examples. a. With my new bangs, I've been totally tempted to mall them out just to see if I still can. b. NKOTB is totally making a comeback! I don't put much stock into the becoming a big thing again, but I'll ride the wave while its there. c. I've been catching reruns of 90210 on Soap Opera Network. Talk about your blasts from the pasts!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Man its cold here!

It seems in typical fashion I missed the only good weather we're likely to have here in a while. But, in non typical fashion, it was nice where I was too. I have lots to report, including getting to know the Atlanta airport better than I needed to, how I feel about AirTran, my first experience at a red neck summit (the NASCAR All Star race), stupid people that steal the houses you want to rent out from under you, tornadoes, and more.
I have a ton of pictures from the race, and I might even post a video so everyone can hear just how loud it gets. TV just doesn't do it justice. Here is what's funny, I'm not that into cars. I don't know many makes/models/years, I'd fall asleep at a car show, and I couldn't tell you much more than where my oil goes, how to "jump" a car, and how to change a tire. But I LOVED hearing those engines roar by me. Made me want to take an auto shop class.
The kids did not miss me much, but that was expected, they never do. As Joey said, I was only gone 5 days. I guess if I'd gone 6 they'd have missed me. Oh well, I can tell myself that I've raised confident kids that don't need me to be attached at their hip to feel secure. Yeah, that's it!
My summer plans still aren't set in concrete yet. Dates keep changing, where the kids will be spending their summer keeps changing. But I'm determined to have it all solid by the end of the month. That leaves me 8 more problem!
Mackenzie is officially in her last year as a single digit. She celebrated her 9th birthday last Sunday, while I was gone. But, she was on a girl scout camp out all weekend anyway. Mom took her and the boys to Denny's for dinner (Mackenzie's choice) and she is having her party tonight. We're going bowling with about 6 of her friends. I also baked cupcakes last night (I know, shocking!), using a non wheat - non dairy mix for both cake & frosting. I was a little concerned it might taste like sawdust, but like a good chef, I tested the product, and they weren't bad. So, we'll see how they go over with the girls.
One more thing, a huge shout out to Keith and Penny. It was great to see you guys, and the kitchen and backyard are awesome!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Conversation with a 4 year old...part 2

Joel: I can't reach the moon.
Me: It's up pretty high isn't it?
Joel: I cant jump that high. When I get bigger I can jump that high.
Me: You'll have to practice a lot.
Joel: I know, when I get wings I can fly! I'll fly up and up and up and grab the moon!
Me: I can't wait to see that!

Monday, May 12, 2008

This Week's 5

1. This is not a new discovery. It's been my favorite Ben & Jerry's for a while. My rule is I get to buy 2 pints a month. No more. Now, whether I eat the whole pint at one sitting, that's another story....

2. Amy's Kitchen is a brand of organic foods that cater (I like to think) to people like me that are addicted to convenience foods, but have been forced to take on a less main stream diet. Mackenzie's favorites so far is the no dairy/non wheat frozen Mack & Cheese, and the non dairy/non wheat frozen pizza.

3. Charleston is a web site I found while looking for rental houses in the Charleston area for when I move. This week it came through and I found this beauty. 3 beds, 2 baths, fenced yard, sunroom, garage, best school district in the area, pets ok, and the price is right. We're gonna go take a look see when I'm there in a few days. Keep your fingers crossed!

4. I was pleasantly surprised by the Hair Master's in Stanwood. I've been a bit lost since Debbie moved to Yakima, but I finally gave in and dared to trust a chain salon to color my hair, and I'm very pleased with the outcome. I feel human again.

5. You gotta love this guy. This is J.J. Putz, the awesome "closer" for the Mariners. My mom and I took Joey and Mackenzie to the Mariner's game on Sunday. We got their early so we could be sure to get the hats being given out and maybe even get an autograph. We got our hats, and our autograph. The kids each had their hats signed by Putz, Joey even managed to add his program into the pile to get it signed. To top it all off, the M's won, and Putz closed out the game. A great Mother's Day gift!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Conversation with a 4 year old

Joel: Mommy, Joey said to tell you I'm poopy.
Me: Joel, where's the bathroom?
Joel: (quizzical look on his face)
Me: Joel, do you know where the bathroom is?
Joel: (points down hall) It's right there.
Me: So you do know where it is then?
Joel: Yes
Me: So why didn't you use it?
Joel: I didn't feel like it.
Me: Well, I don't feel like changing you.

**Note: Joel is potty trained, but still wears a pull up at night just in case.

I demand a recount!

I am Elinor Dashwood!

Take the Quiz here!

Darn it! I want to be Elizabeth Bennet! But, I'll do with marrying Hugh Grant instead of my boyfriend Colin Firth.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Joel isn't a parselmouth. We were at the zoo on Sunday, and this time the snakes and other reptiles showed little or no interest in him. They must have just been hungry the last time. He does look tasty.

A twist on the top 5

So, I do have a couple of favorite things to share this week, but I thought I'd mix in a couple of requests for others' favorite things.

1) PS I Love You is out on video today. I saw it this winter in the theater with Amy and we both sobbed through the whole thing. It is a bit sappy, and perhaps slow in a couple parts, but it is very touching, heart wrenching and even funny in parts. Oh, and a few Irish accents thrown in for good measure. Love it!

2) Shari's. Saturdays and Sundays are kids eat free days. Usually the rule is two free kid's meals for each paying adult. Which is still a good deal even if I do take all 3 kids by myself. But, a huge shout out to the Mill Creek Shari's for giving me all 3 kids' meals for free. Bonus!
3) My newly found creativity. I've recently become a Stampin' Up! demonstator. I haven't done very much demonstrating yet, but hope to. In the mean time, thanks to mom, I've been able to outfit myself with plenty of supplies for myself. Up to this point, I've only copied cards that had the required materials laid out for me. But, this past week I've been scrambling to get mother's day cards done. For a couple I borrowed ideas from elsewhere to get started, but a couple were completely of my own making, and I must say they turned out pretty good.

4) Request #1. I need an indestructible, durable, yet comfortable dog harness. Gillian the cutest chocolate lab mix ever is very good at chewing through her harnesses. After the first one, I though it was a fluke, that she got caught on something that got the job started. Then I got her a new one. She chewed through the thing in less than half an hour! I prefer the harness to the collar in case I need to tie her to a lead, she won't slip out as easy, she has a fairly slender neck. HELP!

5) I need a decent, reasonably priced hair stylist. I need a cut and color so bad its almost shameful. But, my regular hair lady went and moved to Yakima on me, so I am orphaned. I gave in and went to a local chain place for a trim and bought a home box of color, but I really need some hair TLC! My sister has a lady, but she books up like 2 months in advance. I am not capable of planning that far ahead! So again, HELP! My hair thanks you.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

You mean I have to shop at a HEALTH FOOD store????

Mackenzie's had asthma for a few years now. The frustrating thing for me was knowing she had asthma, but doctors telling me it was post nasal drip. Finally when we moved to South Carolina she had a bad enough attack that a doctor there finally confirmed my suspicions. Since then she has gotten by with an occasional Claritin and an inhaler.
She ran out of her prescription a few months ago so I took her in to the same clinic that told me post nasal drip to get a refill. She did refill, but put her on a regimine instead of "when needed". When we went back for a follow up, I was basically told that the kind of asthma she had didn't make an inhaler necessary and was sent on my way without a new refill. Also, was told nothing about what to do to help her breathing without.
Enter my sister, who not very long ago decided to take her allergy issues to a naturalist. She suggested I do the same for Mackenzie. So, just before spring break, we took her in to have an allergy screening. We got the results back today. Turns out she is not only allergic to cat & dog dander, but she is also allergic to dairy & wheat. That pretty much includes EVERYTHING!!!!
Do you have any idea how many things have wheat and/or dairy in them? Ok, when I day dairy I mean cow products. Beef is ok, but it was suggested I watch her intake of even that. This is insane!
I'm now going to be forced to be a little more green. I will be shopping at the local co op and might as well buy organic while I'm there. I had such a headache just thinking about what an undertaking this is going to be. I'm not sure if I'm up for it. So, if anyone has ideas or hints, please let me know.
The one good thing is that the doctor said that if we control her diet, the pets shouldn't be a big issue as long as we keep them out of her room. Also, after eliminating all dairy and wheat for a couple months, we may be able to slowly reintroduce small amounts occasionally to her diet. I hope so! What's a birtday without cake (wheat) & ice cream (dairy)?