Sunday, September 28, 2008

Weekend Hijinks

Here is a picture of my living room area rug:

As you can probably see, its in pretty rough shape. Its been in rough shape for some time now. When I say some time, I'm speaking in years. Its one of those things you don't really notice at first, then when you do notice, its a bit out of control. Then, if you are like me, the thought of attacking it is pretty daunting. If I had a steam cleaner, I may have gone after it, but since I don't, the idea of scrubbing at the thing had me considering dumping it and getting a new one. Aha! But I don't have the $$ for that, so I've just been ignoring it.
So Saturday night, Joey and I are on the rug playing a board game. One of the pieces had something sticky spilled on it, so I got a Lysol wipe to clean it off. Then on a whim I tried it on one of the spots on the rug. It came up pretty easily. Hmmm, maybe this thing won't be so hard to get presentable after all. So after I won the game, I hauled out my bucket and scrub brush, and with a little vinegar and water and elbow grease, and two days here is how it looked Sunday night:

If you can't see a difference, don't tell me, I don't want to know!

On a lighter note....a few weeks ago, the boys (Russell and Joey) thought it would be funny to mess with Joel while he was sleeping. So, they got out markers and drew on his face.

Because isn't it fun to prank a 4 year old??? So, I promised revenge.
I'd kind of forgotten about it. Then Wes and I were at Wal Mart Saturday afternoon, and what do they have on a front display? Silly String! I swear it was his idea, but man we had fun. Waiting until they went to sleep to hatch our revenge.

Russel woke up

Joey didn't

And we made them clean it up in the morning themselves. We're such great role models!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I am such a dwts geek!

So one of my favorite shows is back on. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Dancing with the Stars! And I already have a favorite. Who knew I'd be pulling for Brooke Burke? I tend to veer away from the models, but she is REALLY good. I should hate her on pricipal for having 4 kids and not looking like it. But, she gets points for her partner. David Hough is my "if I were a cougar" fantasy boyfriend. So you can see just how good they are, here they are from week 2.

Another Reason to just LOVE South Carolina

I knew about the fire ants, the roaches, the termites, the mosquitos, the lizards and other creepy crawlies. And while they are annoying, I can live with all those. I'm also aware that no matter where you go, there will be spiders. Just a fact of life. But no one told me about these:

Seriously, why didn't anyone tell me about these? They're called banana spiders because their bodies are long and yellow. According to my research, they don't bite and aren't the least bit poisonous, but that doesn't endear them to me at all! We went by Wes' mom's house the other night, and of course she had a nice juicy one in her front yard, right next to the walk way. This would have been a time that ignorance is bliss would definately have applied. I didn't see the thing going in, I didn't need it pointed out on the way out. I tried to retreat back into the house, then was reminded that my car was the other direction. It took me three attempts before I could dash past the thing, and even then I was starting to hyperventilate. So far we haven't seen any around our house yet, but then again, I'm not looking.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Information Overload

I hate and love election time.

I love it because the whole country gets in a buzz. People talk about important issues, and all of a sudden each issue is so easily fixed.

I hate it because the whole coutry gets in a buzz. People talk about important issues, and all of a sudden each issue is so easily fixed.

Every four years I get less and less likely to pay attention to what is going on. My brain just can't take it. Some people get so fired up about things, that even when I agree with them I feel like I'm being baggered. By the media, by the candidates, by people in general. It just gets overwhelming. Its hard to filter the information put out there, hard to decide what is a reliable source, who's telling the truth, who's lying. Then there's the sick feeling I get in my stomach over the mud slinging. It seems people think the only way they can get elected is to make grandiose promises, and then tell me all the reasons why their opponent is the worst human being on the planet. But they are clever, the put up a front of respect while still getting the jabs in. Sugar coated to the core.

The election 8 years ago was a doozy for it. To make matters worse, I was over seas and never got my absetee ballot. The whole process may make me crazy, but I still want to stand and be heard. Still pretty sure my write in vote didn't count. But this year I'm ready, I'm reregistered here in SC, no absetee ballot for me. I'm going to brave the polls, just to be sure. Now I just have to wade through all the muck and postering to find some core value that sits well with me. Sometimes I think we as voters have a harder job than those running for office. I just don't think there is such a thing as an impartial report anymore. Well, except for SNL. You can always count on them to just laugh at the whole thing. That settles it, I'm voting for Lorne Michaels and Tina Fey!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I heart Jon Stewart

Ok, maybe not heart, but when I come across a clip like this, I can't help it. I'm not trying to make a big political statement here, but when I saw this clip I was so completely amused, I had to post it. The idea that Sarah Palin should appeal to me (a female "swing" vote) just because she's a woman bothers me more than I can say. So of course this clip says it all for me:

Sunday, September 14, 2008

But I'm not tired!

So, what parent doesn't know this story?
Joel rarely takes naps anymore. He does get cranky during the day, but if he naps, he's up ALL night. So, I put up with crankiness most of the time in order to have a quieter evening.
But today was one of those days he really needed a nap. I tried to talk him into going up to bed by himself, but no, he wasn't tired. I decided not to fight him, it was only 4 more hours till bed time. I could make it. Dinner usually perks him up enough to make it through to bedtime. So, I left the room for a few minutes, came back and you can see up there what I found.
This is in the living room with the NASCAR race on the tv, and 4 other kids right there doing various nooise making activities. Nope, he wasn't tired one bit.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

I like to ride my bicycle

About a month before we moved, Teri bought Joey a new bicycle. He had taken to riding the bike trail to the office in the mornings and the one had was in bad shape, so Teri bought him a new one. Mackenzie had a cute little pink bike, but we left it behind, it really was too small for her. Joel only had toddler rides.

One of Joey's favorite things is biking around the neighborhood. It seems all the kids around her have bikes. Except for Mackenzie and Joel. They've both been begging me for new bikes. It just isn't in the budget right now, but I had promised as soon as I get a job and we get all caught up, we'd go to Wal Mart and get bikes.

Earlier this week a helmet arrived UPS for Joel, the next day a helmet for Mackenzie. The day after that, a bike showed up for Mackenzie, and finally yesterday, Joel's arrived. Could it be Santa Claus out of season? Nope, just a very generous Aunt Teri and Uncle Ernie.

Except for yesterday evening while TS Fran blew through (hardly more that a rain storm I might add)Mackenzie and Joel have been on those bikes! They are the best things ever as far as they are concerned. Mackenzie's is a magenta Hannah Montana bike, Joel's a blue and green Mongoose, decked out like a BMX complete with trick stands on the front wheels.

Now I want one!

Thank you Aunt Teri & Uncle Ernie for the great gifts!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Did I Mention?

~The second day of school, Joey was put in a whole new set of classes. It's a program called GATE, Summerville's version of accelerated/gifted/highly capable . He kept his electives (band and art) but switched to all new core (the 3 r's and what not) classes.
-------On one hand I'm glad, I think this will suit him better. On the other, I've heard differing opinions about the program, so I guess we'll wait and see. He seems to like it so far, and being in the GATE program he gets to take a pre engineering class and make a skateboard.
~I now live in a hurricane zone. It may not be the Carribbean or the Gulf Coast, but apparantly hurricanes don't discriminate over which side of Florida it hits.
~I'm about to experience my first hurricane. Hana is headed straight for us. I'm kind of going with the flow on this one. Letting Wes lead the way as far as panic and whether I should grab the kids and run for the hills or not. So far she's not supposed to go above cat. 1, so we'll probably tough it out here. But if she even hints at going beyond that, there will be some lucky relatives that should expect a visit from us.
~Teenage boys eat a lot of food.
~Some little kids and some side walk chalks makes for some great entertainment! Thanks to my neighbor across the street for providing the fun!
~South Carolna has some messed up regulations concerning motor vehicles and their licensing. Apparantly it is still expected to pay a fee for the privelage of owning a car in the state of SC. In other words, personal propert tax, which you must pay before you can register it. AND in order to get a Driver's Lisence, you have to surrender every form of ID known to man. But I didn't have to take a test. So, for the first time since I got my lisence at 16, I no longer carry a valid Washington Driver's Lisence. Kind of sad actually :((
~My sister and her kids (and some others) sent the kids a really super huge card to say how much they missed them. The kids loved it. Thank you Brittany for the 1,000 pounds of confetti enclosed with it. So you're watned they now want to return the favor (not my idea, I swear!)
~Adult boys eat a lot of food.
~I actually watched a good amount of the DNC. First time for everything. Now, can I sit through any of the RNC?
~I can live without cable (I know!) Well, we've hooked up some rabbit ears, so now that I know I won't miss Survivor (a family tradition) or Dancing with the Stars, I'll be fine and oxygen won't be required. I do miss the Discovery Channel though.
~We seem to have made a truce with the wireless signal we're pirating. It's been fairly long as we keep the laptop on the back of the couch, next to the window, but that's better than the garage.
~Animals eat a lot of food.
~And, still no one wants to hire a mother of three with a ton of experience in many arenas, but without a piece of paper that says I paid a fortune to learn things that have nothing to do with the job I'm doing (and that I hadn't learned on my own anyway) But I'm still hopeful! :))
**I almost forgot, Joey has a girlfriend. I'm trying not to panic.