Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Rants that won't fit on Facebook

So, I've had some thoughts lately that I tried to post as status updates on Facebook. Somewhere between my iPhone and Facebook, they got lost. Bummer! But these were important rants to me, so after much (a few seconds) of deliberation, I decided to dust off the old blog, get it all out of my system, and post a link on Facebook. Take that status stealing entity in the sky!

Ok, first. This makes me angry:
Let's be clear on this: OBAMA did NOT kill Bin Laden. An American soldier, who Obama just a few weeks ago was debating on whether or not to PAY, did. Obama just happened to be the one in office when our soldiers finally found OBL and took him out. This is NOT an Obama victory, but an AMERICAN victory!!

This is one of those, repost if you agree status's going around on Facebook. Before I start, let me state that I claim no political party. I make no public statements for or against any politician. The following is NOT a political statement, just my own thoughts on being logical. So here goes...
1. Obama is not taking credit for the take down of Bin Laden. At least not that I've heard. Other people (the media) may be giving him the credit, but that does not mean he's taking it. If you assume he is just because you don't like him, that's what I call ignorance.
2.Obama never debated over whether or not to pay our troops. Yes the government shutdown may have DELAYED their pay, but if that were the case, they still would have received any back pay owed.
3.Obama is not the SOLE person responsible for the possibility of the government shutdown. It was MANY people on both sides of the aisle in Congress that were responsible. Obama didn't sign off on the budget because of cuts that were being proposed to evil things such as Planned Parenthood. Ok, so they perform abortions. It isn't illegal so now we must punish the evil organization that provides free and/or low cost health screenings for women? I have used Planned Parenthood for that very reason, and for that I am very glad they exist. I'm also glad that Obama stood his ground on those things he felt strongly on. Whether I agree with those things or not, I admire a person who takes a stand when necessary. So if you dislike Obama because he's a democrat, take a good hard look at the republicans that held up the budget before you point the finger at ONE man. If you don't like him because he's black, wake up and smell the decade.
4.This is where my logical argument comes into place. It makes no sense for you to declare that ONE man shouldn't be taking credit for a collective effort and then try to blame the same ONE man for yet another COLLECTIVE effort.
I'm sorry if I offend any of my friends, that is not my intention, but this kind of thing really gets my goat up. All of this is like people who blamed Bush for 9/11. Just please stop to think before you post.

Now, why I never repost those fun messages we all get about everything under the sun, that 98% won't repost. I'm one of the 98%. Here is why:
1.My religious beliefs are my own. I am always comfortable discussing my beliefs with anyone, but I shy away from unsolicited discussion. I'm not afraid, I'm not embarrassed, I just like living my beliefs in my own way. Its very personal.
2.I vigorously support our military. I was an Army wife for 13 years, so I know 1st hand what are soldiers go through. But, to be cliche, I gave at the office. I like to make my appreciation and gratitude known personally to those I know and meet who serve. Again, its very personal.
3.I know several people battling cancer, and a few who have lost the battle, but I don't see how me reposting something on Facebook is going to make the struggle of cancer anymore well known. We all know it sucks, we all know more needs to be done, so quit reposting and do it is my humble opinion. (Unless of course you are yourself battling cancer, then you've already done your work)
4.My family knows how I feel about them, and fathers, daughters, sons, grandparents, 2nd cousins weeks seem a little silly to me. Especially since it seems that there are about 3 weeks a year each.
5.I work with people with special needs. And actually, acceptance isn't as big, as just wanting to live their like with the same rights as everyone else has. But those people that will actually see the reposts and repost the message aren't the ones that need to hear it. And those that need to hear it, most likely aren't going to no matter what. That's what prejudice is all about.
6.I really really really hate anything that has political undertones. I get enough of that from the media. Facebook is for fun.
And to sum it all up, I guess I just like to be original and post my own ideas.

Again, sorry if I offend. These are my feelings and beliefs and I never under any circumstances expect anyone to believe and feel as I do. But sometimes, I just feel the need to explain myself.

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