Friday, March 13, 2009

I'm not ignoring you, I promise!

You would think after 4 1/2 months I would be used to my schedule. Not so much. I'm good for about the first 2 weeks of my revovling schedule, then the last 2 weeks I turn to mush. I have a hard time getting to sleep when I first get home in the mornings, so when I get up when the kids get home I drag around making dinner and getting little things done until about 7, then I no longer have the energy to even lift my head up. It gets to the point where I'm almost too tired to even sleep. So I go to work tired, and drag my way through somehow, then when the consumers get up in the morning I get re-energized by the goings on and hyperactivity and hussle in general that I'm now too amped to sleep when I get home. Its a vicious cycle.

Then my schedule repeats itself, I get 2 days off in a row and I'm able to get back on track. But during those two weeks of zombie-hood, I get nothing extra done. I barely get to the grocery store. Little things like logging on to the internet just kind of slide down the proverbial ladder of importance.

I say I can't wait for next fall when Joel will be in school and I can apply for a day position, but I'm not sure that will solve my issues either. I think the root is not having a "regular" schedule. Work 4 days, 2 off, work 3, 1 off, work 4, 2 off, work 4, 1 off. It messes with my inner clock. My body can't adjust to a month long inner calender. Weekly yes, monthly, no. I could give up weekends if I could just have the same 2 days off back to back each week. But I guess that makes too much sense. As much as I like my job and what I do, and as much as I know right now is not a time to be looking for another job, I think I need to look for another job. No I'm not going to quit first. I will probably soldier through until the fall regardless, but at that time it might be time for me to try and find banking hours somewhere. If such a job exists.

Oh well, life sucks, right? I've survived so far, I can make it.

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