Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Joel issues

I don't know if it is regression, or wanting attention or what, but Joel has been driving me nuts lately! He's been throwing a fit at every single little thing. He sneaks into the kitchen, takes a bite out of something then puts it back. Or he'll gorge himself on whatever junk he can get his hands on. He is banned from the computer because he keeps treating it like a drum set. But unless I keep it in my sight at all times, he will sneak onto that too. I'm now missing my space bar and my N key. Oh, and the receiver for the wireless mouse? He broke that off in the USB port! He is just driving me insane! And I have to somehow get him ready for kindergarden in the fall. The one good thing? We are totally out of pull ups, even at night. Now I just have to work on the thumb and the blankie, oh and the latent toddler behavior he's been exhibiting.

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