Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas and other stuff

So first off, for Christmas, Santa (ok, me) ordered cable and internet for the house. This all got installed Saturday. After a couple glitches, we are all up and running. Oh wait, I still have to exchange the DVR, ours is defective, but they will exchange it, I just have to take it to the local office. But, the internet is up and running and the idea of getting online no longer makes my head hurt or back ache. What? You mean I don't have to sit the lap top on the back of the couch anymore? Crazy!
So, Christmas. My mom and dad drove up from Florida after spending a week cruising the Bahamas. They got in early evening the Saturday before Christmas. We met for dinner and gave the tour of the house before my parents fled to their hotel room and I had to go off to work. While I was trying to sleep off work Sunday afternoon, Wes took my parents and the kids to downtown Charleston to see the Battery and the old Slave Market. I had Monday and Tuesday off. Monday my mom and I went shopping mostly for Christmas Eve Dinner supplies. Then I napped (I hadn't slept since working all night) while my mom genourously made dinner for all 9 of us, as she did every night she was here. Tuesday my dad and I took the kids (minus Russell who wasn't feeling well) to the aquarium while my mom stayed behind to get a jump on Christmas eve dinner.
Christmas eve my mom commandeered a feast for 13. We had Wes' mom and sister and brother in law and their daughter for dinner and gift exchange. There was more than enough food, and thanks to thinking of letting the kids eat first, we managed to sit everyone at the table in shifts.
I worked Christmas eve and got home about 7:30 Christmas morning. The kids started getting up not long after I got home, but we had to wait for mom and dad to arrive and for Wes to drag himself out of bed. The kids stayed up until 2 am, making it hard for Santa to arrive and for Wes to go to bed at a decent hour.
The biggest hits this year were the Twilight poster for Mackenzie, the Mario pajamas for Joel, Russell got an Xbox 360 from his mom, and a Dora blanket for Briana. Oh yes, and Guitar Hero World tour for Joey.
On opening the poster, Mackenzie after seeing what it was, dropped the poster, fell to the floor, and started to make crying noises. I was a bit put off. So my mom asked here what was wrong. She said, I'm just so happy, I love it so much! If I'd have known that, I could have spent a lot less money on Christmas!
Mom and dad had to head out right after present opening to drive down to Orlando and catch their flight home. It was only a little late. I think they were trekking throught the snow from tho top of their driveway by midnight. Teri & Ernie picked them up form the airport, but didn't dare drive into their LONG drive way, so everyone walked from the top of the drive to the house in about 2 feet of snow. I should also mention that my mom had no jacket and was wearing sandals.
I have pictures, but in the interest of saving time, I'm going to just say, check them out on my facebook. If you aren't on my facebook, then its time you were!

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